Едва ли "няколко думи" ще бъдат достатъчни да се опише важността, която Едит Щайн (1891 - 1942) има за феноменологическото движение, за работата и подготовката на публикуваните съчинения на Едмунд Хусерл и за феноменологическата мисъл като цяло. За съжаление все още няма преведен някой от трудовете на Едит Щайн. За сметка на това отскоро сериозни имена като проф. Владимир Градев започнаха да представят религиозните й възгледи; Едит Щайн приема католицизма през 1922 г. и пише няколко книги, посветени на проблеми, свързани с вярата: "Endliches und ewiges Sein" (1937 г.) и "Kreuzeswissenschaft. Studie über Joannes a Cruce" (1942 г.).
Освен статията на проф. Владимир Градинаров, която е публикувана в сп. Християнство и култура, бр. 4/2011 г., друго стойностно изследване на български език е статията на проф. Иванка Райнова - "Диалогизирането на Хусерл и Тома Аквински. Опитът на Едит Щайн (и насоките на феноменологическите й изследвания). Мога само да се надявам, че скоро от фондация "Комунитас" ще преведат някое от католическите й съчинения за да може българският читател да се запознае с тези интересни опити вярата да се осмисля през сериозния понятиен апарат, завещан от феноменологията.
Това, което тук искам да обобщя са няколко заглавия на английски език, издадени наскоро и касаещи различни аспекти от философските търсения на Едит Щайн. Става дума за два сборника със статии. Единият от тях е: "Intersubjectivity, Humanity, Being. Edit Stein's Phenomenology and Christian Philosophy", а другият е четвъртата част на сборника Boston Studies in Philosphy, Religion and Public Life, заплануван да излезе през 2016 г. със заглавие: "Edit Stein: Women, Social-Political Philosophy, Theology, Metaphysics and Public History".
Поне от посочените статии в двата сборника първият ми се струва някак по-съдържателен заради проблематизиране на темата за интерсубективността, която е водеща във феноменологичните търсения на Едит Щайн още от периода на нейната дисертация - "Zum Problem der Einfühlung" (издадена през 1917 г.). Дисертацията й е напълно легално качена на сайта: www.edit-stein-archiv.de (Zum Problem der Einfühlung).
Antonio Calgano (ed.)
Edith Stein: Women, Social-Political Philosophy, Theology, Metaphysics and Public History. New Approaches and Applications.
ISBN: 978-3-319-21124-4
Springer Verlag
This volume explores the work and thought of Edit Stein (1891-1942). It discusses in detail, and from new perspectives, the traditional areas of her thinking, including her ideas about women/feminism, theology and metahysics. In addition, in introduces readers to new and/or understudies areas of her thought, including her views on history, and her social and political philosophy. The guiding thread that connects all the essays in this book is the emphasis on new approaches and novel applications of her philosophy. The contributions both extend the interdisciplinary implications of Stein's thinking for our contemporary world and apply her insights to questions of theatre, public history and biographical representations, education, politics, autism, theological debates, feminism, sexuality studies and literature. The volume brings together for the first time leading scholars in five language-groups, including English, German, Italian, French and Spanish international and cosmopolitan approach to Stein studies.
Antonio Calgano
Introduction: The Wide-Ranging Impact of Edit Stein's Thought - New Approaches, Applications and Insights (1-8)
Angela Ales Bello
Form the "Neutral" Human Being to Gender Difference: Phenomenological and Dual Anthropology in Edith Stein (11-23)
Mette Lebech
Women in Society: The Critical Potential of Stein's Feminism for Our Understanding of the State (25-33)
Laura Judd Beer
Women's Existence, Woman's Soul: Essence and Existence in Edith Stein's Later Feminism (35-45)
Anna Maria Pezzela
Intersubjectivity and Community in Edith Stein's Thought (49-63)
Jennie Latta
Eternal Life: A Phenomenological Exploration from the Perspective of Edith Stein's Description of Person and Community (65-72)
Christof Betschart
The Individuality of the Human Person in the Phenomenological Works of Edith Stein (73-86)
Paulina Fuentes
The Inseparabolity of Consciousness from Embodiment in the Phenomenology of Edith Stein (87-92)
Eduardo Gonzalez-Di Pierri
The Influence of Adolf Reinach on Edith Stein's Concept of the State: Similarities and Differences (93-105)
Kathleen Haney
Edith Stein on Autism (107-115)
Michael Andrews
A Phenomenology of Ethics and Excess: Experiences of Givenness and Transcendence According to Edith Stein (119-131)
Juan Francisco Pinilla
Feeling as the Bond Between Soul and Boby in St. John of the Cross (133-152)
Marian Maskulak
Science and Theology: Toward a Steinian Perspective (153-166)
Donald Wallenfang
Soul Power: Edith Stein's Meta-Phenomenological Construction of the Human Soul (167-180)
Harm Klueting
Martyrdom as Perfection of Life in the Christian Tradition and in Edith Stein's Thinking (181-193)
Thomas Gricoski
Essential Being and Existential Metaphysics (197-212)
Walter Redmond
Stein and Pfänder on the Expression of Truth (213-224)
Joyce Avrech Berkman
Edith Stein and Theatrical Truth (227-238)
Joachim Feldes
The Bergzabern Circle: Toward a More Comprehensive View of Edith Stein (239-252)
Ken Casey
Edith Sten and (253-266)
Pamela Fitzpatrick
Stein the Educator in Autobiography, Writing and Biography (267-272)
John Sullivan
Role for Edith Stein in Her Own Promotion? (273-282)
Mette Lebech/Jonh Gurmin (eds)
Intersubjectivity, Humanity, Being. Edith Stein's Phenomenology and Christian Philosophy
ISBN: 978-3-0343-1980-6
Verlag: Peter Lang
This volume brings together revised version of papers presented at the inagural conference of the International Association for the Study of the Philosophy of Edith Stein (IASPES). The conference papers are supplemented by e number of specially commissioned essays in order to provide a representative sample of the best research currently being carried out on Stein's philosophy in the English speaking world. The first part of the volume centres on Stein's phenomenology; the second part of looks at her Christian philosophy; and the third part explores the contexts of her philosophical work.
Sarah Borden Sharkey
Reconciling Time and Eternity: Edith Stein’s Philosophical Project
Joyce Avrech Berkman
The Blinking Eye/I: Edith Stein as Philosopher and
Rachel Feldhay Brenner
Edith Stein’s Concept of Empathy and the Problem of the
Holocaust Witness: War Diaries of Polish Warsaw Writers
Antonio Calcagno
Edith Stein’s Reworked Liberalism and the State
Marianne Sawicki
Solidarity and the Legal Order in Stein’s Political Theory
Joachim Feldes
A Yet Hidden Story: Edith Stein and the Bergzabern Circle
Gloria Zúñiga
y Postigo
Phenomenological Ontology: Stein’s Third Way
Elizabeth Meade
Stein and Levinas on the Other
James Smith
Themes in An Investigation Concerning the State
Nicholas Madden
An Artist and Edith Stein
Christian Philosophy
Christof Betschart
Quid and Quale: Reflections on a Possible Complementarity
Between Metaphysical and Phenomenological Approaches to
Personal Individuality in Edith Stein’s Potenz und Akt
Philip Gonzales
Edith Stein and Erich Przywara and the Place of Love in
Christian Philosophy
Walter Redmond
Edith Stein’s Ontological Argument
Marian Maskulak
Edith Stein’s Trinitarian Ontology
Gerald Gleeson
Exemplars and Essences: Thomas Aquinas and Edith Stein
Thomas Gricoski
The Method of Stein’s Realism
Ken Casey
Do We Die Alone? Edith Stein’s Critique of Heidegger
Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz
Sinnereignis in the Philosophy of Edith Stein
Stein’s Philosophy in Context
Jerzy Machnacz
Conrad-Martius und Edith Stein
Husserls Schülerinnen und die aristotelisch-thomistische Philosophie
René Raschke
Edith Stein in der deutschen Forschung und Rezeption
Kathleen Haney
Edith Stein into the ‘French Debate’
Harm Klueting
Edith Stein and John of the Cross: An Intellectual and Spiritual
Relation from Husserl’s Lecture in 1918 to the Gas Chamber of
Auschwitz in 1942
Michel Dupuis
Empathy and the Hermeneutics of the Self: E. Stein, H. Kohut,
P. Ricoeur
Donald L. Wallenfang
Geisteswissenschaft: Edith Stein’s Phenomenological Sketch of
the Essence of Spirit
Francesco Alfieri
A Possible Opening Up of Phenomenology Towards the
Metaphysical Question of Materia Prima: Edith Stein’s
Thought in Relation to the Work of Vitalis de Furno,
Edmund Husserl and Hedwig Conrad-Martius